Penalty Schemes

Airside Penalty System

Running a penalty scheme using traditional methods, whether for airside driving, contractors or general behaviour takes a lot of effort.  Passport makes it easy.  Define your schemes and penalties, record against consolidated profiles and generate reports that drive real change.

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Add an airside penalty scheme | AIRDAT Passport

Define your Schemes

Manage penalties

Whether it’s multiple schemes or just one, configuring them and assigning associated penalties is simple with Passport.  Manage both company and personal schemes and define the information you’d like to collect.

Issue Penalties

Airside driving and behaviour

Penalties can be added directly into Passport, or via our VISA mobile app for management whilst on the move.  Record penalty details, GPS coordinates, evidence and even send the data on to other incident reporting systems

Penalty location marker | AIRDAT Passport
Penalties and credits overview | AIRDAT Passport

Offer rewards

Airside behaviour improvements

Want to credit back points to people if their behaviour improves?  Passport can do this automatically for you, skipping those who don’t meet your criteria.

Drive change

Airside penalty reporting

Good data drives great change. Passport, our Airside Penalty System provides you with a clear insight into where potential problems lie.  Heatmaps, charts and reports ensure resources can be targeted at the root cause to drive improvements.

Airport company penalties report | AIRDAT Passport
Manage Penalties on the move

Need to audit and issue penalties whilst out and about?  Passport is fully integrated with VISA, our Training Management and Auditing smartphone app which allows you to do just that.

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See how other Passport features help airports manage training and competency


Every aspect covered. Create, book, assess, record, permit, remind and repeat!

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Customisable Dashboards

Customise your dashboard and choose the information that is important to you.

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Easily identify successes and issues with data insights so you can plan ways to repeat and resolve them. 

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Discover our other airport safety systems

Airport safety systems | AIRDAT Onboard

Airport Compliance System

Onboard – Our cloud-based assurance and fleet managementairport safety system. Whether landside or airside, knowing those companies operating at your airport meet the standards required is vital.  Add to that any fleet they operate too and administration can become time-consuming.  Let Onboard lighten the load.

Airport safety systems | AIRDAT VISA

Airside Safety App

Visa – Ouraudit & training management smartphone app. Keep the operation moving without compromising safety.  The AIRDAT VISA Airport Training and Vehicle Audit Mobile App provides a holistic insight into your airport operation, wherever you are.

Airport safety systems | AIRDAT Bespoke

Aviation Software Development Company

Our team create tailored digital solutions to order. AIRDAT specialise in software development for the Aviation industry. With ahighly experienced team driven by agile values, we plan, deliver and maintain both web and mobile applications quickly, efficiently and to the highest standards.

Want to take control?

We’ve helped numerous International (and regional) airports streamline their penalty schemes in no time.  Let us help you!

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