This Earth Day, AIRDAT are proud to announce that we are now a certified carbon neutral company.

Over the last few months, AIRDAT has been collecting our emission data for analysis and, after a careful selection process, we chose Positive Planet to help us to analyse our data and provide us with our CO2e, offsetting options and reduction planning. AIRDAT care about our planets future and are committed to doing all that we can to care for it.

Positive Planet produced a comprehensive report and Carbon Assessment Dashboard! We so very proud that AIRDAT is deemed ‘most efficient’ in our business category! The average employee intensity for our business category is between 5 and 10 tonnes CO2e per employee and for 2021 AIRDAT was:

Why is AIRDATs footprint so low?

One of the biggest ways we reduce our carbon footprint is by making our workforce almost fully remote working. By doing so, we’ve:

  • Greatly reduced the daily commute for fewer emissions and less fossil fuel consumption.
  • Taken our work meetings online which means digital notes and less paper usage.
  • Lowered our energy use – no need for computers, heaters, aircon, lighting, coffee machines, printers…
  • Streamlined our assets.

And, for when we do meet, we have also implemented a cycle to work scheme. 

What we do as a company is only the beginning of how we’re reducing our carbon footprint. We’re also committed to helping our customers to reduce theirs too.

How AIRDAT are helping airports in their effort to become carbon neutral

Historically, any sort of airport training or compliance management would create a whole lot of paperwork and commuting but with AIRDAT systems, everything is created, completed, applied for, audited and documented remotely online. Also, the information collected on vehicles and equipment used on airports can be used to calculate airport emissions and help them work toward their carbon goals.

By using AIRDAT systems, wastage is reduced, energy consumption is lowered and natural resources are conserved. 

Here is what Director Jennifer Tumbri had to say:

“As a company director and a new mother, future planning is fundamental. Being eco-conscious is not new to AIRDAT and I am proud that our company has made the step to become carbon neutral. This certification demonstrates our commitment for carbon neutrality and for a better future for our team, customers, airports, family and friends.”

Happy Earth Day!