Accounts credits have arrived at AIRDAT. Back in July we made the tough decision to change from traditional payments on account to credit card or a larger ‘upfront’ payment via BACS when we billed for permits, licences and training via our own systems.
For most of our customers, this was a welcome change. It minimised administration, made the booking process quicker, brought tighter control to training budgets and of course any payments made were captured under a card guarantee (a welcome addition when making any purchases in these uncertain times)
However, some organisations struggled with this change so to help we created the ‘Accounts Credits’ feature. Now, when making purchases at airports we bill on behalf of you will see the option to make a payment via ‘credits’ in all of our systems. In tandem with this, we have significantly reduced the minimum upfront payment value to make the feature accessible to organisations of all sizes.
This feature allows companies to request a credit value that suits their operation. An invoice is automatically generated which can be passed to the accounts department and, once paid, credits will be applied to the company account for use against future purchases.
Companies can limit purchase rights to accounts administrators, or open them up to the whole team. There is also a detailed reporting suite, so organisations can keep tight control on their training/licensing/permit spend and budget.
For our airport and training partners, it brings peace of mind and quicker onward payment. This system eliminates bad debts and late payments whilst delivering funds back five times faster.
If you’d like to find out more, check out our video below, or visit our support articles for Passport and Onboard.
This feature is available now at no additional cost to our existing customers. If you’d like to see how AIRDAT can help your organisation, please contact us here.