Steve Perry’s Story.
Every 2 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. It takes so many forms, and we’ve all been affected by it in some way. Today we have the opportunity to make a difference to not just one person’s life, but lives all across the UK.
Steve Perry, son of Dave Perry (AIRDAT’s Audit & Compliance Director) was diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma (cancer of the eye) in November 2017. At just a few per million, Steve has a very rare form of cancer – and rarer still for his age.
Due to the type and position of Steve’s eye tumour, he will lose the sight in his left eye. He’s already undergone Proton Beam Radiotherapy and has been given 50/50 odds of the cancer spreading.
But this won’t get him down! As you can see from the image, Steve remains positive and motivated to help make a difference to others who share this disease.
Dave Perry has influenced thousands of lives during his time in Aviation, and is still a prominent figure at Gatwick, advising companies on best practice to keep their teams safe. If you’ve worked with, were trained by or spent time with Dave – on or off the ramp; please consider visiting and donating to Steve’s GoFundMe Page, where he is campaigning to raise £1,000 to assist with the cost of ongoing treatment.
Together, we can beat cancer.
And a note from Steve:
“If there is one thing I can ask you all to do… It’s please go and get your eyes tested! Even if the outcome is that you are told you need some glasses… At least I know I’ve spread the word and helped make people more aware”