The Department of Transport (DfT) has recognised the risks of driving at night and are looking to place a ban for new drivers from doing so.
“The move comes as figures suggest one in five drivers are involved in a crash within a year of passing their test.” BBC Article – Ministers ‘consider night ban for new drivers’
Civil Aviation Authority specifically highlights ‘Day and Night operations’ as an element for organisations to collaborate together on to reduce risks (CAP 642 – 2.9).
Airside driving is challenging enough in daylight. Driving at night adds a new dimension to familiar obstacles while presenting additional new hazards.
AIRDAT have created the ‘Driving at Night’ elearning course to prepare drivers with the skills necessary to keep themselves, and everyone around them, safe while driving at night.
The Gatwick Airport ‘Driving at Night’ course is only £12 excl. VAT and is available online here.
The course takes 35-40minutes to complete and covers:
- Airside vehicle safety and awareness
- Lighting, signs and markings
- Colour vision deficiency
- Airside hazards
- Airside workers
- Aircraft and passenger movements
- Driving airside in adverse weather
- Human factors airside
- Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (MOR) and incident/accident reporting
- Applicable H&S regulations and law
Would you like this course at your airport? Get in touch with AIRDAT and they can set your airport up!
Click here to contact AIRDAT and get the Driving at Night course at your airport.
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