After a rigorous process, Melbourne Airport has selected and subsequently launched AIRDAT Passport and AIRDAT Onboard successfully to their community.
The systems will dramatically reduce the amount of administration involved with airside operator and vehicle licensing, as well as management of airside training for staff – whilst improving record keeping and compliance standards. Melbourne also invested in some specific integration to streamline existing processes, including online card payment processing with ADVAM, eLearning integration with Learning Seat and Learn Connect and a paperless invoicing system that eliminates the need for manual generation of invoices following service provision.
Close to 2,000 members of the Melbourne community have registered for the online services so far, with the remainder expected to be on the system by the end of February.
Melbourne will soon open access to eLearning and ‘in person’ booking areas, as well as the ability for companies to begin applications for their vehicle permits.
The system provides the following key benefits to the community and the airport:
- 24/7 Booking and application function
- Company administrator management area
- Details stored for repeated use (no need to re-enter)
- Advanced reminder notification of re-training/re-permit
- All communications consolidated
- PINS management
- Automated course invoicing
- Full audit capability
- Permit generation
- Online testing
- Consolidated profile for all training (eLearning, In person, practical and time-based)
With the launch of AIRDAT’s mobile smartphone application ‘VISA’ in March which will allow staff to manage all of their training, as well as perform mobile audits via a secure QR scan – the solution ensures that CASA requirements are met, management time is reduced and compliance and safety standards are improved across the airport.
The project was delivered on time and on budget by AIRDAT and led from Melbourne Airports side by Project Manager Mora Kim, who stated ‘The AIRDAT systems will drive greater CASA compliance for Melbourne whilst improving the internal & external training experience. It will provide a single source of truth and help to reduce the operational cost to all parties.’
Charles Cardwell, AIRDAT’s Managing Director who managed the project delivery and attended on site during the rollout commended the company’s UK
development team who ‘worked around the clock to ensure the timeline Melbourne required was met without compromising the quality of the end product’ He went on to say ‘We fostered a fantastic working relationship with the Project Team at Melbourne. An immense amount of hard work went into the delivery of this project from both sides, we could not have achieved it without that strong team mentality and support throughout. We look forward to maintaining this as we expand the rollout of services’
AIRDAT provide systems and services that improve safety and compliance standards, minimise accidents and incidents, and streamline processes to reduce operational costs. More information can be found at